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Mrs. Garig and Mr. Bass, gave us a personal history lesson of the jail, as well as, sharing  some of their own personal paranormal experiences. The Jail also serves as a muesum and  stores the Clay County archives.
Our history lesson started off in the front part of the jail, talking about all the Sheriffs that has served and represented this particular jail. There are some interesting saved artifacts that were found while renovating the jail. Playing cards, and a spoon that was turned into a key to name a few.
While being in that particular part of the jail, we did captured an evp. 

 Now, lets go inside and visit the inmates that reside still in the jail.
Walking into the jail was a dream come true, for me, as a photographer. I could have stayed there all day just taking shots from dusk to dawn, capturing different angles to the effects of light and shadow. It was a beautiful sight. 
Abe Cell
Abe Milton was awaiting to be executed for killing a white man.  He was executed, by hanging, in the gallows right outside of the jail. While Don and I were by ourselves in Abes cell, I was taking some photos. Being a photographer and any other photographer would know if a shadow was caused by the flash. Well the series of photos are very strange to me.

Photos to the Right:
The photo on the left is the inside of Abes Cell. The cell is located at the ended of hallway, first floor on the right. 
The photo in the middle is Dons reflection in the window; he was to the left of me. I am thinking maybe I can get a reflection of something by shooting in the window pane.. 
The above far top right, you can see my reflection and flash in the window. But the shadow there is confusing. I was shooting vertical; my flash was on the left. So any shadow caused by me or Don would be on the left.  Same shot again with a shadow Then the next shot (bottom middle).. So now it's gone.. Photo, bottom right,  is an example of what my shadow would be if I caused a shadow when I was using a flash. Remember, I am shooting vertically and my flash is on the left. 
So what caused this shadow, we dont know. We tried walking around, going behind, taking more photos just trying to recreate this but we couldnt.
Could it be someone? I dont know. We know that Don and I were the only ones in the Jail and the shadow was not caused by us.
Bread and Chocolate
While we were still hanging with Vishitra, she explained to us that during paranormal investigations, the spirits do not like the role playing experiments, like one of the investigators playing bad sheriff. This is extremely understandable, after so many paranormal teams that have conducted investigations at the jail; you think they would get pretty sick of hearing that. She stated that they do respond when you about food and chocolate but most important is just being nice.
An interesting evp we picked up while we we were there.
*Bread and Chocolate, there is an evp when we were talking about the food they ate. We were on second floor, right cell corridor in the hallway. Sounds like someone is agreeing with us.

The evps
Back to the first floor. While Don and I were on our own, we captured quite a few of evps and also figured something out that could be considered paranormal. 
* Curley or Curik
* Talking about the shadow
* Trying to debunk the shadow and captured something else.
We did hear some type of noises, like banging. We couldnt really figure out what or where it was coming from. So when the noise happened again, we looked harder and found out it to be the windows. These are old windows that have the rope to ease up the window frame. These are loose, so if there is a breeze, it would most likely knock the window. 
Upstairs we captured some really interesting evps. The hallway on the right had the most active interaction while Don and I were there. 
While going upstairs to the right of the entryway of the corridor, is where I got a strong scent of Dons cologne. Don was behind me, so how could I have smelt his cologne from the top of the corridor? We picked up an evp that we feel is saying Hey Hey. 
Location: Second Floor-Right side cells
*Now this is where I experienced personal contact. I felt someone touch my head. It felt like a pat on the top right of my head. I was standing on the far right near the bars in the corridor of the cell doors, between the second and third cell. 
We captured maybe someone running right after I respond to the pat on the head and laughter. 
*Now while Don was in one of the cells he said something that one particular inmate found inappropriate. And he responded attentively.
*Then we have a nice little statement from one of them, but referring to what or whom is unclear. Who does he like? What does he like?
* I think this disembodied voice says, Gosh look fine. 
Location: Second Floor, left side cells
*Going down the corridor to the cells on the left side of the jail.  What I think it is a childs laughter.
Our Second Visit.
Vishitra did state that during some of their paranormal investigations they did hear the sounds of cell doors opening. I was in there by myself on the first floor in the hallway and Don was outside on the phone. I stopped in my tracks and heard it, not once but twice. The sound of cell doors was coming from upstairs. Damned if I was going to go upstairs by myself. I needed someone else to witness if something was actually there. Keep in mind that these doors are extremely rusted and very heavy. They certainly do not move with ease.
We ran video while we were walking around and had two digital recorders running. One I left downstairs and the other one I carried with me.
Still by myself, talking to them and saying I would like to know more about you and so forth, in the corridor on the first floor. Some evps I picked up:
* What I think it says.. Where have you been?
* Asking if they knew what year it was.. No.
*In another recording, you will hear Don and me in the distance, but you will also here laughter, one in the beginning and one towards the end.
During the time upstairs, walking towards the left side, I did feel a spider web effect.. It was lower near the wall and touched my left hand. There was no spider web around that area.
Over all this, this is a wonderful place, and yes this old historic jailhouse has paranormal activity. The one thing I did learn was regardless of who they are, what their life was, if they are still residing in, if so, a purgatory state, they still need to be respected. 
I strongly suggest you let Vishitra and Mr. Bass educated you about the history of this building. There is so much richness, sadness and some amazing surprises only they can tell you.
We will see you in June!

Clay County Jail

Mrs. Garig and Mr. Bass



Not Now - Clay County Jail
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Laugh - Clay County Jail
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Laugh.. HEY HEY - Clay County Jail
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It's pretty good..Come on in okay - Clay County Jail
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Jail Cell Door - Clay County Jail
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Get Out - Clay County Jail
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Clay County Jail

Shadow Figure

Shadow Figure - Clay County Jail
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Shadow Figure - Clay County Jail
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Shadow Figure - Clay County Jail
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Gosh Look Fine - Clay County Jail
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Laughter - Clay County Jail
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Bread and Chocolate Yes - Clay County Jail
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Curik - Clay County Jail
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Laughter and Touched my head - Clay County Jail
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Dust and Shadows & Voices to Visions: a Dust and Shadows Magazine, in association with Green-Fly Media ©2013-2016

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